"You know, he was always like a fish out of water around her...poor Lumpers, never mind, I says, plenty more fish in the sea, plenty more."

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Christmas orders


That's the (lucky) number of orders I have on my plate now.  In the last couple of months, through facebook and other social networking services and blogs, lots of people have been finding out about Child's Own Studio. And since I'm a one-person enterprise, I need to let everyone know when I can't take any more orders in time for Christmas. There's no last order date, but a last order number. So, without further ado, here is The Child's Own Studio Christmas Orders Counter (over there, top of the right side bar). When it reaches the number 50, then that's it, the elf will not be taking any more orders for Christmas.  If it doesn't need to be ready for Christmas, then please contact me in January 2012 and I'll be very happy to look at your drawing then.

Thanks very much to everyone who has visited my website, blog and facebook page, and sent me your kind comments and enquiries.  Thank you!  Although it may take a while, I do reply to all the e-mails I get.    

*Update* Just realized that some people might be checking the number on this post as the Christmas orders counter. So, I'll keep updating it too.

***LATEST UPDATE*** I have just reached the quota. Please come back in January with your orders. Things will be quiet and calm, and it'll be a fresh start, and I will be sooo much more relaxed and nicer to deal with :)

1 comment:

Triine said...

Fantastic works! I love them all.